
Showing posts from July, 2014

php - Looping over an array of inputs with the same name -

i'm making todo list , i've got working except 1 thing. need loop on inputs that's been submitted via form, these inputs have same name i've done storing them array. need loop on them can send them database 1 one. here's tried: if (isset($_post['submit'])) { $labelvalues = $_post['labelvalue[]']; $i = 0; while($i < sizeof($labelvalues)) { $stmt = $db->prepare("insert tenta_table (text) values (:text)"); $stmt->bindparam(':text', $labelvalues[$i]); $stmt->execute(); $i++; } } html, inputs marked red: but doesn't seem work, it's not giving me errors have nothing go on. going wrong here? your $_post['labelvalue'] array if have named inputs correctly, <input type="text" name="labelvalue[]" /> create , array called labelvalue in post. from there should able use current code 1 minor change if (isset($_post[&#

javascript - How to get iFrame load event using jQuery -

just clear might duplication requirement different , have did lot of research on unable it. here question now: have scenraio in 1 of page, iframe being loaded, on iframe need bind click event using jquery, have tried below code: $j('.ms-dlgframe').load(function(){ $j('.ms-dlgframe').contents().find('a [title="browse"]').bind('click', function(){ console.log('frame loaded'); settimeout(function(){ console.log('function loaded after timerout'); $j('.ms-dlgframe').each(function(){ $j(this).contents().find('#resultcontent').css('height','200px'); $j(this).contents().find('#metadatatreecontroltreesearch').css('height','200px'); }); },5000); }); }); but there no luck. not click event fired. tried lot of tricks achieve did not work me. on how bind click event of iframe element usi

ios - release object in the @synchronized scope -

i have question, if use synchronized lock object release @ scope. cause deadlock? - (void)dosomething { @synchronized(self) { // release self on here } } [someobject dosomething]; [someobject dosomething];

java - Method does not return anything at all -

i wrote method gets input array of numbers , integer (which delimiter) method return 2d array sliced according delimiter not including delimiter. examples: splitarraynynum([0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1], 3) -> [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]] splitarraynynum([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1], 3) -> [[1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2], [1]] splitarraynynum([3 , 1 ,3 ,3], 3) -> [[1]] for reason when move mouse on name of method error function should return int[][] this code: public static int[][] splitarraybynum(int[] input, int number){ if (input[0]==number) ( int = 0 ; < input.length - 1 ; i++ ) { input[ ] = input[ + 1 ] ; } if ((input[(input.length)-1])==number) ( int = (input.length)-1 ; < input.length - 1 ; i++ ) { input[ ] = input[ + 1 ] ; } int count = 0; (int = 0; < input.length; i++) {

Excel VBA - errors with application.worksheetfunction.match -

i'm losing mind appreciate taking time help! i suspect problems stem incorrect variable declaration haven't been able work out. so why test procedure work: sub testmatch3() dim arr() variant dim num long dim searchval variant dim long redim arr(1 10) = 1 10 arr(i) = next searchval = 4 debug.print getmatch(searchval, arr) end sub function getmatch(valuetomatch variant, matcharr variant) long getmatch = application.worksheetfunction.match(valuetomatch, matcharr, 0) end function but following gives me mismatch error (type 13): sub newprocedure() dim envarr variant dim stagerange range dim cell range dim lastrow long dim long dim connsheet worksheet dim tempstring variant dim arr() variant set connsheet = thisworkbook.sheets("l1 fo

ios - ERROR ITMS-9000: “Unsupported architectures.Xcode Archive error -

i trying upload app appstore. have done in past after integrating live sdk error- error itms-9000: “unsupported architectures. executable contains unsupported architectures '[x86_64, i386]'” cant past validation screen. highly appreciated. tried few suggestion mentioned here- error itms-9000: "unsupported architectures. executable contains unsupported architectures '[x86_64, i386]'" but did not help in advance. cheers nitesh i had same error when tried submit ipa, can't upload frameworks simulator arquitectures i386 & x86_64 itunes connect in case because of frameworks of carthage has i386 & 86_64 arquitectures then, can try 2 options: 1.- if carthage case > read carthage readme file here where explains how workaround app store submission bug : on application targets’ “build phases” settings tab, click “+” icon , choose “new run script phase”. create run script following contents: /usr/local/bin/

python - Can Emacs be used as a text editor component inside another program? -

i inspired python ide spyder . here, example ipython can used python console running programs. wondering if there hope of modifying use emacs "text editor window" well, i.e. integrated gui? ( spyder dev here ) not possible right now, sorry. there 2 options considering future: adding emacs keybindings our editor pane. adding qt widget emulates real terminal, users can start emacs , use editor. perhaps option 2 best 1 don't know of such widget licensed bsd/mit (the licenses can use).

oracle11g - oracle adf how to invisible current row? -

i have oradcle adf , jdeveloper. want invisible current row in table click on button(named "delete_row") . can me ? i think looking soft delete of rows table. refer post soft deletion of rows

c# - Sending dynamic form parameters to WebApi? -

i'm using webapi 1 ( visual studio: 2010 ) there rare scenarios client can send variable ( dynamic) number of parameters method. (via post verb) i've been trying test sending variable number of arguments : post http://.../api/claims http/1.1 host: ... accept: */* content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8 content-length: 13 a=1&b=2&c=4 on server side : [httppost] public dynamic newclaim1([frombody] dynamic al) { return request.createresponse(httpstatuscode.ok, (object)al); } but empty object on response. ( 200 ok ) attempt #2 i've tried ([frombody] object al) attempt #3 i've tried (object[] al) attempt #4 public class //using class holder { public object[] obj { get; set; } } [httppost] public dynamic newclaim1([frombody] al) { return request.createresponse(httpstatuscode.ok, al); } but without success question: how can send dynamic post parameters metho

c# - Why Random().Next(min, max) always generate same minimum value in ASP.NET MVC app -

i trying understand seems quite mystical @ point after hour analysis. please bear detailed explanation. i got function in mvc4 application. private string generatedownloadcode(int id, int organizationid) { const int downloadcodeminvalue = 10000000; const int downloadcodemaxvalue = 20000000; int number = new random().next(downloadcodeminvalue, downloadcodemaxvalue); return string.format("{0}-{1}-{2}", id, organizationid, number); } the function used generate random number download code. noticed number value equal downloadcodeminvalue . i checked msdn , dig implementation of next method in framework code looks like: long range = (long)maxvalue-minvalue; if( range <= (long)int32.maxvalue) { return ((int)(sample() * range) + minvalue); } else { return (int)((long)(getsampleforlargerange() * range) + minvalue); } sample() method can return value

android - time picker dialog is not displaying, give Fathal Exception? -

i want add fields dynamically, when click add button add row exittext,settime button,remove button. when click remove button row removed ok, problem when click set time button give fatal exception, dialog not displayed. please check code. have problem @ settime button in code. when click button unfortunately closed. addmore.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() { @suppresslint("inflateparams") @override public void onclick(view v) { // todo auto-generated method stub layoutinflater layoutinflater = (layoutinflater) getbasecontext().getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service); final view addview = layoutinflater.inflate(r.layout.row, null); final edittext detext=(edittext)addview.findviewbyid(; // button settime in row final button settimebtn=(button)addview.findviewbyid(r.

jquery - Google Map Autocomplete: filter results to contain route city and state -

is possible result in google map autocomplete must contain route, city , state of united states only. for example, if type new orleans result should display areas (routes) of new orleans city only. basically want bound autocomplete must display name of routes of specified city. if user enter"ny" should pull state name ideally, in case no result should come.

.htaccess - slider images loading twice after cache control -

i have use following code in .htaccess file cache control in joomla site. ########## begin - etag optimization ## rule create etag files based on modification ## timestamp , size. ## note: may cause problems on server , may need remove fileetag mtime size # addoutputfilterbytype deprecated apache. use mod_filter in future. addoutputfilterbytype deflate text/plain text/html text/xml text/css application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/rss+xml application/javascript application/x-javascript # enable expiration control expiresactive on # default expiration: 1 month after request expiresdefault "now plus 1 month" # css , js expiration: 1 month after request expiresbytype text/css "now plus 1 month" expiresbytype application/javascript "now plus 1 month" expiresbytype application/x-javascript "now plus 1 month" # image files expiration: 1 month after request expiresbytype image/bmp "now plus 1 month" expiresbytype image/gif &q

Realloc in C and NULL-pointer -

why program not work every input? (read in input , print out in reverse order) xcode6 generated error message: hw5(14536,0x7fff7c23f310) malloc: * error object 0x100103aa0: pointer being realloc'd not allocated * set breakpoint in malloc_error_break debug unfortunately not understand this. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { char *input; unsigned long long index; input = malloc(1); (index = 0; (input[index] = getchar()) != eof; index++) { if (input == null) { free(input); printf("error: out of memory!\n"); return 0; } realloc(input, index + 2); } (index = index - 1; index != 0; index--) { putchar(input[index]); } printf("\n"); free(input); return 0; } realloc() returns pointer new object. i'm using temporary variable because if realloc() fails reallocate memory, null returned , input remains valid. char* temp = realloc(input, index + 2); if( !tem

objective c - How to send .xls file to Microsoft Excel app for editing -

i want send .xls file stored in app's document folder microsoft excel app editing. how can achieve this? i guessing have call openurl method of uiapplication class question scheme , parameters? all want achieve edit .xls files on ipad stored in app's document directory, doesn't matter app used this. there's special view controller - uidocumentinteractioncontroller. look @ this article

javascript - Font Size in openlayers 3 cluster -

i using new openlayers 3 api showing large amount of markers. extended cluster example ( ). everything works fine except 1 thing: attribute fontsize in style of text ignored. size of text inside cluster marker same. is bug in openlayers 3 or doing wrong? tested in 3.0.0 release version , in current development version of ol3. var clusters = new $wnd.ol.layer.vector({ source: clustersource, style: function (feature, resolution) { var size = feature.get('features').length; var style = stylecache[size]; var radius = size + 10; if (radius > 25) { radius = 25; } if (!style) { style = [new ${ image: new ${ radius: radius, stroke: new ${ colo

web services - Getting error while creating a secured proxy -

i trying configure wss4jininterceptor in cxf endpoint through camel-config.xml below camel-config.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- start snippet: e1 --> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:camel="" xmlns:cxf="" xmlns:context="" xsi:schemalocation="

python - error: command 'i686-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1 while installing pylibbvg -

i'm installing pylibvg, , many links similar error different installations. tried few things keep getting error. basically, trying run: sudo python build_ext --inplace i have executed following: pip install cython sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-dev any ideas why i'm getting errors? python.h nothing header file. used gcc build applications. need install package called python-dev. package includes header files, static library , development tools building python modules, extending python interpreter or embedding python in applications. install package, enter: $ sudo apt-get install python-dev or $ apt-get install python-dev ref:

java array using scanner -

in program, want display array using scanner , i.e user enters array values during runtime. public class namecomparator { public static void main(string args[]) { scanner sn = new scanner(; int n = sn.nextint(); system.out.println("the array size is" + n); int[] = new int[7]; (int = 0; >= a.length; i++) { a[i] = sn.nextint(); system.out.println("the value of a[i]" + a[i]); } sn.close(); system.out.println("array values are"); } } here, have got array size scanner , using for loop each array value, don't know why array block hasn't executed. jvm skips for loop. scanner works well this: for(int i=0;i>=a.length;i++) should be: for (int = 0; < a.length; i++) you want loop long i smaller a.length (i.e. size of array). loop exited (or skipped) if termination condition returns false . since you're initializi

How to create set up files for wpf application -

how can create set file wpf application ? i'm new wpf applications , don't have idea initializing this.please me !! i suggest go through below link if using vs 2010 , above- create setup , deployment of wpf application step step visual studio 2012 you need installshield packaging software after visual studio 2008. create template create deployment project, can visual studio installer projects in vs 2010 , above , need install visual studio installer extension visual studio extension gallery - microsoft visual studio installer projects if using vs 2008 have template create setup project wpf application. follow below link know how use setup project .. create setup , deployment of wpf application step step @hana's answer showing screenshot of setup project, used in vs 2008 create deployment package. references: create application setup in visual studio 2013 visual studio 2013 installer projects – hello world installer

ipython notebook - Writing out evaluated cellcontent to file -

hi following: my cell contains: %%writefile foo.txt = 'bar' print(a) after evaluation of cell foo.txt like: a = 'bar' bar but can trigger evaluation of content of cell before it's written out?

how we can reach at RAM size by summing up the memory occupied by processes and free memory in linux? -

this question has answer here: how can find out total physical memory (ram) of linux box suitable parsed shell script? 9 answers i want know how calculate total ram, how can reach @ ram size summing output of "cat proc/meminfo" command memtotal = memfree+?........... any 1 can you need tool takes shared memory account this. for example, smem : # smem -t pid user command swap uss pss rss ... 10593 root /usr/lib/chromium-browser/c 0 22868 26439 49364 11500 root /usr/lib/chromium-browser/c 0 22612 26486 49732 10474 browser /usr/lib/chromium-browser/c 0 39232 43806 61560 7777 user /usr/lib/thunderbird/thunde 0 89652 91118 102756 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118 4

java - How-to make Hibernate Validator stop validation on the first field violation? -

i have bean define multiple validation annotations each field e.g. @notempty @pattern(regexp="(\\-?\\d)+") @min(value=1) string myfield; i have encountered two 1 problem cannot resolve in easy way. validation order of specified annotations each field random i.e. not happen in order annotations defined. believe @groupsequence not since defines group validation sequence, not annotation sequence. @tom correctly commented, violations reported set means there no 1:1 mapping between execution order of annotations , reported violations. i want invalidate 1 rule each field i.e. if not match pattern not try check if value >= 1. if set myfield "abc" report both @pattern , @min violations. setting failfast property of validator true not because i'm using same validator instance validate fields in bean, , stop validating other fields first violation whole bean encountered. edit. tried implement custom composite constraint @reportassingleviolation. proble

jquery - How can I get a CKEditor value? -

i have input field in view: <div class="treatment-service"> <%= f.input :service_id, as: :select, collection:, :id), :label => "serviciu" %> </div> <%= f.input :description, :as => :ckeditor, :input_html => { :ckeditor => {:toolbar => 'pure'}}%> and function in treatments.js file, autocomplete details based on value selected in dropdown select. var servicedetails = function (){ $('.treatment-service').change(function(){ var service_id = $(this).find('select').val(); debugger $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: "/treatment_services/"+service_id, datatype: 'json', success: function(data){ debugger $('.treatment-service').closest('div').next().find('input').val(data.price) $('.treatment-service').closest('div').next().next().f

Problems with adding a limited number of objects to an array Javascript -

i designing program take list of names , store them 3 different arrays, add names single array in order split them 2 different teams (two other arrays) have managed far add final 2 arrays have nested if supposed stop values being added array after reaches length isn't working. can't figure out why if..else function isn't working , wondering if there out there similar problem when adding array using array.length have included jsfiddle because there quite lot of code involved , must credit part of code came in useful adding single records array. function randomfunction() { document.getelementbyid("test4").innerhtml = team1.length; if (team1.length <= 6 ) { //|| team2.length <= 5 (index = 0; index < tier1.length; index++) { randomnumber1 = math.floor(math.random() * 9); if (randomnumber1 <= 4) { team1.push(ti

java - Update private static final int in base class for unittest -

i try change int value of private static final int unittesting. looked @ , , other stackoverflow examples like: changing final variables through reflection, why difference between static , non-static final variable 30 seconds default timer. want set setoverreflectionmax_seconds(3); 3 seconds. but not work, hints ? my baseclass public class baseclass { private static final int max_seconds = 30; } and other class public final class myclass extends baseclass { public static list<field> getfields(final class<?> clazz){ final list<field> list = new arraylist<>(); list.addall(arrays.aslist(clazz.getdeclaredfields())); if(clazz.getsuperclass() != null){ list.addall(getfields(clazz.getsuperclass())); } return list; } public static void setov

AWT-EventQueue-0 java.lang.NullPointerException when connecting to another class -

basically i've got error: run:exception in thread "awt-eventqueue-0" java.lang.nullpointerexception @ paintv2.uipanel$1.actionperformed( marked) @ javax.swing.abstractbutton.fireactionperformed( @ javax.swing.abstractbutton$handler.actionperformed( @ javax.swing.defaultbuttonmodel.fireactionperformed( @ javax.swing.defaultbuttonmodel.setpressed( @ javax.swing.plaf.basic.basicbuttonlistener.mousereleased( @ java.awt.component.processmouseevent( @ javax.swing.jcomponent.processmouseevent( @ java.awt.component.processevent( @ java.awt.container.processevent( @ java.awt.component.dispatcheventimpl( @ java.awt.container.dispatcheventimpl( @ java.awt.c

Javascript mystery command -

i new javascript , have work out program does. in 2 integers compared inequality: <<= don't know , can't find online tutorials tell me. finlay perry it updates lvalue left-shifting value on right. var = 1; <<= 2; // leftshift 2 bits, // in effect multiplying 4, making 4 += 1; // more common (familiar?) example of kind of operator // add 1, making 5

javascript - How to get the real UTC timestamp (client independent)? -

is there way real current utc timestamp without being dependent on client's time might not set correctly on every client? i know javascript's gettime() can utc timestamp in milliseconds. it's independent of client's timezone, think it's dependent of client's current time. i'm trying make live clock shows real utc time, shouldn't matter if client's time set correctly or not correct. get json: or also can own server if have one. for example of first 1 (with interval): html: <div id="time">click button</div> <button id="gettime">get time</button> javascript (with jquery): $("#gettime").click(function() { setinterval(ajaxcalltogettime, 1000); }); function ajaxcalltogettime() { $.ajax({ type: "get", url: '', datatype: 'jsonp'

jQuery dialog box to remember user -

i'm using jquery dialog box on website, display form. don't want dialog box pop more once, same user. once have either filled out details or clicked on x (close) don't want them see message again. i've read can use cookies within form, unable find exact code use. here's code far: <script> $(function() { $( "#dialog" ).dialog(); }); </script> <div class="site-container"> <div id="dialog" title="basic dialog"> <?php echo do_shortcode( '[contact-form-7 id="92" title="test"]' ); ?> </div> what's best solution this? many rachael you can use cookies: . when user interact close button can set cookie , next time can load cookie , conditionally open dialog.

themes - Wordpress index.php: Show div just when site contains 6 posts -

in wordpress index.php need know if page has enough posts (more 6) pagination active or not , when pagination active want show div element. you can count number of posts in query using $post_count . example: <?php // query $the_query = new wp_query( $args ); $post_count = $the_query->post_count; if ( $post_count > 6 ) { // show div here... } ?> read more in codex .

Keeping CSS elements inline when window shrinks -

i have form wont stay aligned when shrink page. div2 move on left , intrude on div1 , button positions become jumbled. have been reading on css , thought way go making wrapper div 2 child divs input types doesnt seem work. have tried sorts of things have found no avail. ideally elements shrink proportionally , stay alaigned window shrinks. absent @ least elements disappear off screen shrinks scroll bars. musch appreciated. html: <form action="updated_tt.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="ud_id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" /> <div id="wrap"> <div id="div1"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; trouble report/request:<br/> <textarea class="tt_fld5" name="ud_problem" maxlength="300" rows="3" wrap=hard ><?php echo $problem; ?></textarea> <br/> </div> <div id="div2&qu

html5 - Can I use multiple ARIA roles on a parent element -

can have multiple roles on parent element example: <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6" role="rowheader"> <p>access our award-wi</p> </div> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3" role="row gridcell" > <<< <img src="#{request.contextpath}/resources/books/images/icon_tick_table.png" role="gridcell" alt="" title="s" class="table-image"/> </div> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3"> <img src="#{request.contextpath}/resources/form/hello.jpg" role="gridcell" alt=": yes" title="s" class="table-image"/> </div> </div> wai-aria’s role attribute can have list of values, first valid , supported wai-aria role used: the first name literal of non-abstract wai-aria role in list of

java - Get all days from tomorrow and two months forward and loop through them -

this question has answer here: get days between tomorrow , 60 days forward loop through them 3 answers i need take tomorrow, add 60 days , loop on day day. wondering appropriate way of doing this? this tried calendar startcalemder = calendar.getinstance(); startcalemder.settime(new date()); startcalemder.add(, 1); calendar endcalendar = calendar.getinstance(); endcalendar.settime(new date()); endcalendar.add(, 60); //loop on day day (; startcalemder.compareto(endcalendar) <= 0; startcalemder.add(, 1)) { startcalemder.get(calendar.year); //shows year startcalemder.get(calendar.month); //shows month startcalemder.get(calendar.day_of_month); //shows day } you this: public static void main(string[] args) { final calendar c = calendar.geti

java - how to display the end and start time android countdowntimer -

when run code below can not display start , end time 00:00:00 every time timer start, in future want let user define how many countdown timer need , time each 1 repeat on them assist display vital , if can improve code next step appreciate that. thank assist, repetertimer = new countdowntimer(3000, 1000) { @override public void ontick(long millisuntilfinished) { isrunning = true; meditiongong.setlooping(false); long millis = millisuntilfinished; string hms = string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", timeunit.milliseconds.tohours(millis), timeunit.milliseconds.tominutes(millis) - timeunit.hours.tominutes(timeunit.milliseconds.tohours(millis)), timeunit.milliseconds.toseconds(millis) - timeunit.minutes.toseconds(timeunit.milliseconds.tominutes(millis))); textviewtimer.settext(hms); } @override public void onfinish() { textvie

node.js - PassportJS to get Facebook User Location -

i've attempted set strategy user's home in 2 ways, , neither of work. have code passportjs user's address (just city , state)? strategy attempting both "location" , "address": profilefields: ['id', 'name','picture.type(large)', 'emails', 'displayname', 'location', 'address', 'about', 'gender'], attempting using address seen here : user.facebook.location = profile.address.locality + ', ' profile.address.region; edit: simpler answer those location fields not yet mapped in code portable contacts schema facebook's own schema. can see map here (and absence of 2 fields). instead, use facebook schema directly. profilefields array should include location field, when call authenticate, need request field facebook: passport.authenticate('facebook', { scope: ['email', 'public_profile', 'user_location'

compositeComponent with primefaces datatable selection does not return object -

i've made composite component using primefaces 5.1. want dialog show up, can input name , search db. can select 1 entry , dialog closes again. problem ist selection in datatable returns null... this composite: <html xmlns="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:rich="" xmlns:a4j="" xmlns:p="" xmlns:composite=""> <composite:interface componenttype="searchcustomer"> <composite:attribute name="customercache" required="true" type="com.hji.tis.ui.cache.customer.customercache" /> <composite:attribute name="useextendedcustomersonly&

range - GWT How can I access HTML5 variable -

i have line in ui.xml horizontalsliderbar (html5). test.ui.xml <input ui:field="slider1" type="range" min="0" max="100" value="30" step="10""></input> @uifield inputelement slider1; how can get/set value, min, max , on... a possible solution be: slider1.setattribute("min", "0"); slider1.setattribute("max", "100"); slider1.setattribute("value", "30"); slider1.setattribute("step", "10"); hope helps.

c# - Form controls displaced when installed on another computer -

i know there folks vote question down or ask close. if there kind of information or code can provide know more program let know. please keep reading , see if have had similar problem. i running win7 64bit .net framework ver 4.5. i have created winform application. , create form elements have taken advantage of library called metroframework gives program metro , feel. contains standard controls , user controls inherit original form class. opening view of program. however, strange reason, when came install program on 2 other computers (one running win7 , other win8 ), noticed of form elements have changed location , have disappeared or have been displaced. has frightened me knowing amount of time have spent put elements in place. everything looks fine on own computer both in dev environment , after building application in release version. @ first thought screen resolution problem on other 2 devices, not case either. , if was, why should happen? can please me solve pr