c# - Current type of the build action from Visual Studio - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop -
in extension implement ivsupdatesolutionevents2 , ivssolutionbuildmanager2 used registering caller adviseupdatesolutionevents
for example, called before build actions have begun:
public int updatesolution_begin(ref int pfcancelupdate) { ... }
however, need getting status or type of current build action, example: build/rebuild/clean/deploy
available & known variants:
with events.buildevents can subscribe onbuildbegin, example:
_buildevents.onbuildbegin += new _dispbuildevents_onbuildbegineventhandler((vsbuildscope scope, vsbuildaction action) => { buildtype = (buildtype)action; });
and use buildtype in places, because vsbuildaction provides necessary information
but updatesolution_begin / updatesolution_startupdate called first as priority advising method, , result buildtype sets late..
also can use onbuildbegin instead of updateprojectcfg_begin / updatesolution_startupdate, our handling needed as possible priority caller
the ivsupdatesolutionevents4.updatesolution_beginupdateaction provides dwaction , fired before every update action begins during solution build - before first updateprojectcfg_begin
it's need! because dwaction can check vssolnbuildupdateflags
however :( appeared in vs2012, our extension supports vs2010 , higher... need variant 2010 version
the ivsupdatesolutionevents2.updateprojectcfg_begin provides dwaction (see vssolnbuildupdateflags) , available 2010 version, it's same first buildevents variant - it's late handling (and not quite suitable our task)
i can't find documentation this, vssolnbuildupdateflags available vs2010, think should variant getting current state of build action, e.g __vshpropid , getproperty ivshierarchy etc...
is possible ? or can onbuildbegin subscription o_o
found \visualstudiointegration\common\inc\vsshell100.h:
enum __vshpropid4 { vshpropid_targetframeworkmoniker = -2102, vshpropid_externalitem = -2103, vshpropid_supportsaspnetintegration = -2104, vshpropid_designtimedependencies = -2105, vshpropid_builddependencies = -2106, vshpropid_buildaction = -2107, vshpropid_descriptivename = -2108, vshpropid_alwaysbuildondebuglaunch = -2109, vshpropid_first4 = -2109 } ; typedef /* [public] */ dword vshpropid4;
so, looked doc. - bstr __vshpropid4.vshpropid_buildaction - retrieves build action item
ok, news, next step... try get, example:
object type; hr.getproperty((uint)vsconstants.vsitemid.root, (int)__vshpropid4.vshpropid_buildaction, out type);
where hr a, example:
ivssolutionbuildmanager2 sbm = (ivssolutionbuildmanager2)serviceprovider.globalprovider.getservice(typeof(svssolutionbuildmanager)); ivshierarchy hr = null; sbm.get_startupproject(out hr);
however, type null... may problem notifying(has not occurred), similar result if used phierproj updateprojectcfg_begin / updateprojectcfg_done:
int updateprojectcfg_begin(ivshierarchy phierproj, ivscfg pcfgproj, ivscfg pcfgsln, uint dwaction, ref int pfcancel) int updateprojectcfg_done(ivshierarchy phierproj, ivscfg pcfgproj, ivscfg pcfgsln, uint dwaction, int fsuccess, int fcancel)
which provides dwaction...
and., how use vshpropid_buildaction -_- problem ivshierarchy ?
finished :)
solution 1
with envdte.commandevents, can work before processing ivsupdatesolutionevents2 , listen incoming commands, sample:
vsstd97cmdid - {5efc7975-14bc-11cf-9b2b-00aa00573819} http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.visualstudio.vsconstants.vsstd97cmdid.aspx
vsstd2kcmdid - {1496a755-94de-11d0-8c3f-00c04fc2aae2} http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.visualstudio.vsconstants.vsstd2kcmdid.aspx
guid: {5efc7975-14bc-11cf-9b2b-00aa00573819} (id: 882) :: build.buildsolution guid: {5efc7975-14bc-11cf-9b2b-00aa00573819} (id: 883) :: build.rebuildsolution guid: {5efc7975-14bc-11cf-9b2b-00aa00573819} (id: 884) :: build.deploysolution guid: {5efc7975-14bc-11cf-9b2b-00aa00573819} (id: 885) :: build.cleansolution guid: {1496a755-94de-11d0-8c3f-00c04fc2aae2} (id: 2005) :: build.publishselection guid: {1496a755-94de-11d0-8c3f-00c04fc2aae2} (id: 353) :: build.link ...
for example:
_cmdevents.beforeexecute += new _dispcommandevents_beforeexecuteeventhandler((string guid, int id, object customin, object customout, ref bool canceldefault) => { if(guidlist.vsstd97cmdid == guid || guidlist.vsstd2kcmdid == guid) { _c.updatecontext((buildtype)id); } });
now can work type of action in updatesolution_begin, example:
if(evt.buildtype != buildtype.common && evt.buildtype != buildtype) { //... }
if(buildtype == buildtype.clean || buildtype == buildtype.linkonly){ //... }
full example can see in sources (see comment where). also, think it’s not best variant, it's variant vs2010 , higher versions (also should work on older 2005 & 2008, think)…
for vs2012 , newer recommend ivsupdatesolutionevents4
so, problem solved.
other best variants ?
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