xcode - IOS 8 / 7 unique user identifier -

as of ios8 , ios7 there way retrieve unique id each user of app? need identify every user of app , register on database in order have statistics how can it?

you can use uuid.its important save uuid in nsuserdefault once generated because uuid different each generation.

+ (nsstring*)getappuuid {     nsuserdefaults *userdefaults = [nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults];     nsstring *uuid = [userdefaults objectforkey:nslocalizedstring(@"devicetoken",nil)];      if(!uuid)     {         cfuuidref uuidref = cfuuidcreate(null);         cfstringref uuidstringref = cfuuidcreatestring(null, uuidref);         cfrelease(uuidref);         uuid = (__bridge nsstring *)uuidstringref ;          [userdefaults setobject:uuid forkey:nslocalizedstring(@"devicetoken",nil)];         [userdefaults synchronize];     }      return uuid; } 

to generate uuid,you can use below method ios 6

[[uidevice currentdevice]identifierforvendor] 


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