scala - Spark streaming elasticsearch dependencies -

im trying spark & elasticsearch integration in scala described in elasticsearch guide

i have problems dependencies when compiling :

[trace] stack trace suppressed: run last *:update full output. [error] (*:update) sbt.resolveexception: unresolved dependency: cascading#ing-local;2.5.6: not found [error] unresolved dependency: clj-time#clj-time;0.4.1: not found [error] unresolved dependency: compojure#compojure;1.1.3: not found [error] unresolved dependency: hiccup#hiccup;0.3.6: not found [error] unresolved dependency: ring#ring-devel;0.3.11: not found [error] unresolved dependency: ring#ring-jetty-adapter;0.3.11: not found [error] unresolved dependency: com.twitter#carbonite;1.4.0: not found [error] unresolved dependency: cascading#cascading-hadoop;2.5.6: not found [error] total time: 86 s, completed 19 nov. 2014 08:42:58 

my build.sbt file

name := "twitter-sparkstreaming-elasticsearch"  version := "0.0.1"  scalaversion := "2.10.4"  // additional libraries librarydependencies ++= seq(   "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "1.1.0",   "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-streaming" % "1.1.0",   "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-streaming-twitter" % "1.1.0",   "org.elasticsearch" % "elasticsearch-hadoop" % "2.1.0" ) 

help? thanks.

cascading , dependencies not available in maven central in own repo (which es-hadoop cannot specify through pom).

i resolved problem using elasticsearch-spark_2.10


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