VBA Excel inputbox run time error 13 type mismatch -
i have macro working well. issue have inputbox. macro running errors when user presses cancel or x out of inputbox. the user can input 15 values search , enters 0 search begin. want make more robust wont run these errors. please help.
sub findvalues() dim lsearchrow integer dim rw integer, cl range, lsearchvalue long, lcopytorow integer dim ihowmany integer dim asearch(15) long dim integer ' clear sheets before runs accurate number of funds opend. sheet2.cells.clearcontents sheets("tier 2").cells.clearcontents sheets("tier 3").cells.clearcontents sheets("tier 4").cells.clearcontents sheets("tier 5").cells.clearcontents on error goto err_execute fixc sheet2.cells.clear sheet1.select ihowmany = 0 lsearchvalue = 99 'this end user input required a/c searched while lsearchvalue <> 0 lsearchvalue = inputbox("please enter value search for. enter 0 indicate finished" & _ "entry.", "enter search value") if lsearchvalue <> 0 ihowmany = ihowmany + 1 if ihowmany > 15 msgbox "you limited 15 search numbers.", vbokonly, "limit reached" ihowmany = 15 exit end if asearch(ihowmany) = lsearchvalue end if loop if ihowmany = 0 msgbox "no selections entered.", vbokonly + vbcritical, "no search data" exit sub end if lcopytorow = 2 rw = 1 1555 each cl in range("d" & rw & ":m" & rw) '------------------------------------------------ = 1 ihowmany debug.print cl.row & vbtab & cl.column lsearchvalue = asearch(i) if cl = lsearchvalue cl.entirerow.copy 'destination:=worksheets("sheet2") '.rows(lcopytorow & ":" & lcopytorow) sheets("sheet2").select rows(lcopytorow & ":" & lcopytorow).select 'selection.pastespecial paste:=xlpastevaluesandnumberformats selection.pastespecial paste:=xlpastevaluesandnumberformats, operation:= _ xlnone, skipblanks:=false, transpose:=false 'move counter next row lcopytorow = lcopytorow + 1 'go sheet1 continue searching sheets("sheet1").select end if next 'lsearchrow = lsearchrow + 1 next cl next rw 'position on cell a3 'application.cutcopymode = false 'selection.copy sheets("sheet2").select cells.select selection.pastespecial paste:=xlpasteformats, operation:=xlnone, _ skipblanks:=false, transpose:=false application.cutcopymode = false sheet2.select msgbox "all matching data has been copied." exit sub
define string variable dim lsearchstring string
, assign return value of inputbox: lsearchstring = inputbox(...)
. can check input being numeric: if isnumeric(lsearchstring)
, handle wrong input. if successful can proceed convert integer: lsearchvalue = cint(lsearchstring)
. have know cint()
returns 0 if argument not number.
the following code snippet modified extract code. wrong inputs ignored.
dim lsearchvalue integer dim lsearchstring string '.......... lsearchvalue = 99 while true lsearchstring = inputbox( _ "please enter value search for. " & _ "enter 0 indicate finished entry", _ "enter search value") if isnumeric(lsearchstring) lsearchvalue = cint(lsearchstring) if lsearchvalue = 0 exit ihowmany = ihowmany + 1 if ihowmany > 15 msgbox "you limited 15 search numbers.", vbokonly, "limit reached" ihowmany = 15 exit end if asearch(ihowmany) = lsearchvalue end if loop
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