How to set infowindow for all markers in google map using JavaScript? -

i created stop point markers truck stopped.but need open infowindow when clicked stop point.

my js codes :

   var imagestop  = '/images/stoppoint.gif';    var infowindowtrcukstop = new google.maps.infowindow();    var json = result.d;    obj = json.parse(json);       (var = 0; < obj.length - 1; i++)       {         if(parseint(obj[i].speed)==0)       {        var latlngstop = new google.maps.latlng(obj[i].lat, obj[i].lng);        markerstoptruck = new google.maps.marker({        position: latlngstop,        draggable: true,        animation: google.maps.animation.drop,        map: map,        title: 'stopped here',        icon: imagestop,        });          google.maps.event.addlistener(markerstoptruck, 'click', function (e) {          infowindowtruckstop.setcontent(this.title);, markerstoptruck);           });         markerstoptruck.setmap(map);       }       } 

i solved.

            (var = 0; < obj.length - 1; i++)  {                if(parseint(obj[i].hiz)==0)  {                 var latlngstop = new google.maps.latlng(obj[i].lat, obj[i].lng);                               markerstoptruck= new google.maps.marker({                                   position: latlngstop,                                   draggable: true,                                   animation: google.maps.animation.drop,                                   map: map,                                   title: '',                                   icon: imagestop,                               });                               var content = 'stop here';                               google.maps.event.addlistener(markerstoptruck, 'click', (function                                 (markerstoptruck, content, infowindowtruckstop) {                                   return function () {                                       infowindowtruckstop.setcontent(content);                             , markerstoptruck);                                   };                               })(markerstoptruck, content, infowindowtruckstop));                                 markerstoptruck.setmap(map);                            }  } 


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