rally - Tree Grid with Portfolio Items -
is possible build rallytreegrid xtype using portfolio item models through treestorebuilder? able build rallyportfolio tree portfolio items, have had trouble building tree grid type of object.
the following code not render tree grid or produce error. same code, 'user story' instead of 'portfolioitem/area' work correctly:
launch: function() { ext.create('rally.data.wsapi.treestorebuilder').build({ models: ['portfolioitem/area'], autoload: true, enablehierarchy: true }).then({ success: this._onstorebuilt, scope: }); }, _onstorebuilt: function(store) { this.add({ xtype: 'rallytreegrid', context: this.getcontext(), store: store, columncfgs: [ 'name', 'owner', 'description' ] }); }
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