android - AudioSource.VOICE_COMMUNICATION doesn't work on all devices which are support VOICE_COMMUNICATION -

i use audiosource.voice_communication source in audiorecord instance devices support this. works on tablets except one. "acer iconia tab 8".

acousticechocanceler, automaticgaincontrol, noisesuppressor available. android version 4.4.2

the receiving device audio data buzzing. if use audiosource.mic used on fallback devices not support audiosource.voice_communication works, without echocancelation needed , should supported device.

final int bufsize = math.max(1 * 2 * 8000, audiorecord.getminbuffersize(8000, audioformat.channel_in_mono, audioformat.encoding_pcm_16bit)); audiorecord rec; try {     final int src = mediarecorder.audiosource.voice_communication;     rec = new audiorecord(src, 8000, audioformat.channel_in_mono, audioformat.encoding_pcm_16bit, bufsize); } catch (illegalargumentexception e) {     log.d("audiorecorder", "echo cancellation not enabled (old android version)");     final int src = mediarecorder.audiosource.mic;     rec = new audiorecord(src, 8000, audioformat.channel_in_mono, audioformat.encoding_pcm_16bit, bufsize); } 

anybody idea strange behavior?

i got same problem , solved update of android.


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