ubuntu 14.04 - Is it possible to use OpenShift without using rhc? -

i trying application running on openshift after trying create ssh key on ubuntu using ssh-keygen ran permissions problems. because find have no need rhc client if automates process bloats computer (laptop) ruby installation.

i find best have alternative ubuntu (linux) users. possible make happen or have go rhc way?

you long way without rhc command line tool. can create ssh key , add/mange via openshift website. can create application there , add cartridges. when comes starting app, can jsut pushing git repository. last not least, can ssh onto openshift gear , lot there, example view log files.

that said, rhc client 1 stop client (and more). if might not need right , task in fact done easier without it, still recommend install it. lot of information/tutorials using rhc , w/o enough experience not know how achieve task in different way.


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