Create Virtual Machine on Azure with Java SDK -

i need create virtual machine azure java sdk. integrated maven dependencies project. need simple tutorial. can me?


recently azure has rolled out [java api (1.0.0) ][1]as stable release. follow 1.0.0 sdk in creating virtual machine.

 1. create azure authentication file credentials  subscription=<enter_subscription> client=<enter_client> key=<enter_key> tenant=<enter_tenant> managementuri=https\:// baseurl=https\:// authurl=https\:// graphurl=https\://  2. azure client perform operation in azure  `final file credfile = new file("/users/risanand/cliqr.azureauth");  azure azure = azure.configure()  .withloglevel(loglevel.basic)  .authenticate(credfile)  .withdefaultsubscription();`  3. create virtual machine     `virtualmachine windowsvm = azure.virtualmachines().define("vmname")     .withregion("regionname")     .withnewresourcegroup("resourcegroupname")     .withnewprimarynetwork("")     .withprimaryprivateipaddressdynamic()     .withoutprimarypublicipaddress()                        .withadminusername(username)     .withadminpassword(password)     .withnewdatadisk(10)     .withsize(virtualmachinesizetypes.standard_d3_v2)     .create();`      [1]: 


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