Monitoring SAS loads into SQL -
quick question, super new sas programming language , have been googling way around. wanted know if possible monitor loads of sas, how have in sql - etl jobs etc. asked create polling on dataset loads in sas. once done creates entry in sql stating that dataset done.
thanks in advance :)
it's possible, i'm not sure i'm clear enough on want.
sas has log, indicates when load done , how many rows have been loaded, how long took.
note: data set work.test has 10 observations , 4 variables. note: data statement used (total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds
you can add data step commands (if you're using data step , not proc sql) note in log when number of rows loaded, perhaps timestamp.
for example:
*create data play with; data load_me; _x = 1 1e6; output; end; run; *pretend loading somewhere; data load_here; set load_me; if mod(_n_,100000)=0 do; *every 100000th row, put out line in log; timestamp=datetime(); *current time ms; put "loaded" +1 _n_ +1 "rows at" +1 timestamp datetime21.3; *the +1s add spacing; end; run;
if you're using sas on sas server, have lots of additional tools (though don't use sas server, i'm not terribly familiar them).
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