mysql - SQL query to filter saturday and sunday -

i have complex sql query calculates working hours of 2 times. working hours follow monday-friday 9am 6pm saturday 9am 1pm sunday off

two columns created , closed. if created date of saturday should calculate created time till 1pm + (closed-9am) of monday.sunday should 0. how achieve that??

$ select `id` 'no', `subject`, `status`, `created`, `closed`, case when (date(ot.`created`) = date(ot.`closed`))        concat( '0 days ', floor(hour(timediff(`closed`, `created`))),' hours ',       (case         when minute(timediff(`closed`, `created`)) < 10         concat( minute(timediff(`closed`, `created`)), ' minutes')         else         concat(((floor(minute(`created`)/10)) +1), '0 minutes')end))         when (date(date_add(ot.`created`, interval 1 day)) = date(ot.`closed`))           case when hour(`created`)>'18'                   concat( floor(((hour(`closed`)-9) )/9),' days ',                   mod(( (hour(`closed`)-9) ), 9), ' hours ',                   ((floor(minute(`created`)/10)) +1), '0 minutes' )                   else                   concat( floor(( (18-hour(`created`)) + (hour(`closed`)-9) )/9),' days ',         mod(( (18-hour(`created`)) + (hour(`closed`)-9) ), 9), ' hours ',         ((floor(minute(`created`)/10)) +1),'0 minutes' ) end     when (date(ot.`created`) <= date(date_add(ot.`closed`, interval 1 day)))       concat( floor(( (18-hour(`created`)) + ((datediff( `closed`, `created`)-1)*9) + (hour(`closed`)-9) )/9),' days ',mod(( (18-hour(`created`)) + ((datediff( `closed`, `created`)-1)*9) + (hour(`closed`)-9) ), 9), ' hours ', ((floor(minute(`created`)/10)) +1),'0 minutes' ) end tat, myoffice ot inner join  ot.`status`='closed' , month(`created`)='10' order tat desc %$ 


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