canvas - Masking Using Kinetic.js -
i draw 2 draggable bezier curve , circle using kinetic problem want find mask there way find intersection point of bezier , circle.or suggest me best way of masking canvas.i want draw image on masked(visible) region.
compositing can , mask intersections, kineticjs not offer compositing built-in method.
in particular, 'source-in' compositing reveal intersection of existing shapes , newly drawn shape. when draw new circle on existing curves, intersection of circle & curves remain.
a workaround use in-memory html5 canvas compositing , use canvas source kinetic.image.
here's outline of how it:
create in-memory canvas:
var compositingcanvas=document.createelement('canvas'); var context=compositingcanvas.getcontext('2d');
draw bezier curves using
set compositing source-in:
draw circle using
create kinetic.image using compositingcanvas source:
var mymaskedshape=new kinetic.image({ image:compositingcanvas, .... });
[ add demo code showing compositing in html5 canvas ]
here's example of how use compositing in html5 canvas limit lens image intersection of eye-beziers , retina-circle. can use html5 canvas image source kinetic.image ( html5 canvas can source of kinetic.image!).
good luck project!
var canvas=document.createelement("canvas"); var canvas=document.getelementbyid("canvas"); var ctx=canvas.getcontext("2d"); var cw=canvas.width=300; var ch=canvas.height=300; ctx.linewidth=2; var img=new image(); img.onload=function(){ draweye(null,'black'); ctx.globalcompositeoperation='source-in'; drawretina(null,'black'); ctx.drawimage(img,173-38,150-38,img.width,img.height); ctx.globalcompositeoperation='source-over'; draweye('black',null); } img.src=''; function draweye(stroke,fill){ ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(225,150); ctx.beziercurveto( 189,135, 83,75, 75,150); ctx.beziercurveto( 83,225, 189,165, 225,150); ctx.closepath(); if(fill){ ctx.fill(); } if(stroke){ ctx.stroke(); } } function drawretina(stroke,fill){ ctx.beginpath(); ctx.arc(173,150,38,0,math.pi*2); ctx.closepath(); if(fill){ ctx.fill(); } if(stroke){ ctx.stroke(); } } function draweye1(stroke,fill){ ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(150,100); ctx.beziercurveto( 125,90, 55,50, 50,100); ctx.beziercurveto( 55,150, 125,110, 150,100); ctx.closepath(); if(fill){ ctx.fill(); } if(stroke){ ctx.stroke(); } }
var canvas=document.createelement("canvas"); var canvas=document.getelementbyid("canvas"); var ctx=canvas.getcontext("2d"); var cw=canvas.width=300; var ch=canvas.height=300; ctx.linewidth=2; var img=new image(); img.onload=function(){ draweye(null,'black'); ctx.globalcompositeoperation='source-in'; drawretina(null,'black'); ctx.drawimage(img,173-38,150-38,img.width,img.height); ctx.globalcompositeoperation='source-over'; draweye('black',null); } img.src=''; function draweye(stroke,fill){ ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(225,150); ctx.beziercurveto( 189,135, 83,75, 75,150); ctx.beziercurveto( 83,225, 189,165, 225,150); ctx.closepath(); if(fill){ ctx.fill(); } if(stroke){ ctx.stroke(); } } function drawretina(stroke,fill){ ctx.beginpath(); ctx.arc(173,150,38,0,math.pi*2); ctx.closepath(); if(fill){ ctx.fill(); } if(stroke){ ctx.stroke(); } } function draweye1(stroke,fill){ ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(150,100); ctx.beziercurveto( 125,90, 55,50, 50,100); ctx.beziercurveto( 55,150, 125,110, 150,100); ctx.closepath(); if(fill){ ctx.fill(); } if(stroke){ ctx.stroke(); } }
<h4>intersection of eye & retina filled image using compositing</h4> <canvas id="canvas" width=300 height=300></canvas>
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