kendo ui - KendoUI DatePicker Set Value culture dd/MM/yyyy only works fine es-AR and not es-CL -
i have issue , lost 3 days... using globalization in kendo ui.
i have read several times , apply in web proyect.
i use mvc. framework 4. visual studio 2010. kendo ui 2014.2.1008
my country chile. should use es-cl culture , es-es uiculture (spanish messages pageable, filterable, etc).
i need whole app works dd/mm/yyyy independent of client pc windows culture set.
i set copy of, copy & paste, thing think :(
i have partial view in header load of culture , others, load first other views:
var culture = system.globalization.cultureinfo.currentculture.tostring(); //se obtiene del servidor (web.config) var cultureui = system.globalization.cultureinfo.currentuiculture.tostring(); //textos de mensajes kendo, paginaciĆ³n, filtros, etc, se obtiene del servidor (web.config) }
<script src="@url.content("~/scripts/kendo/2014.2.1008/messages/kendo.messages." + cultureui + ".min.js")"></script> <script> kendo.culture("@culture"); </script>
i have controller homecontroller test action:
public actionresult test(datetime fechatermino) { viewbag.fechatermino = fechatermino; return view(); }
then, have view "test" (after load previus view), set datepicker:
@{ var fechatermino = (datetime)viewbag.fechatermino; }
@(html.kendo().datepicker() .name("mdptermino")
)i set culture in web.config es-cl , not works! (see picture, appear dd-mm-yyyy)
< globalization uiculture="es-es" culture="es-cl" / >
i change culture es-ar , works!! (appear dd/mm/yyyy) why? have both js files in kendo folder in solution.
< globalization uiculture="es-es" culture="es-ar" / >
i try put format in every datepiker how see in example use html 5 /js (i use mvc mode):
it's slowly, don't change 20 datepikers everytime, , put in datepiker:
and don't work using es-cl. continue showing dd-mm-yyyy, ignores format!!
why es-ar works , not es-cl?
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