scala - How to add library dependency additionally for exact plugin during execution? -

i have in build.sbt

librarydependencies += "postgresql" % "postgresql" % "9.1-901-1.jdbc4" withsources() withjavadoc() 

and this

//liquibase  liquibaseusername := "postgres"  liquibasepassword := "postgres"  liquibasedriver   := "org.posgresql.driver"  liquibaseurl      := "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/scala_app"  liquibasechangelog := "src/main/liquibase/db.changelog.xml"  seq(liquibaseplugin.liquibasesettings: _*) 

but after

cmd > liquibase-status [info] compiling 5 scala sources c:\users\mstrokov\mstr\workspaces\other\spring-mvc-hiber-scala\target\scala-2.11\classes... [trace] stack trace suppressed: run last *:liquibasedatabase full output. [error] (*:liquibasedatabase) liquibase.exception.databaseexception: java.lang.runtimeexception: cannot find database driver: org. posgresql.driver [error] total time: 1 s, completed 19-nov-2014 11:58:07 

and know should specify jdbc driver dependency plugin too.
my question how can this?

my problem in mistyping in 'org.posgresql.driver'. missed letter 't' in 'postgresql'.

add librarydependenies in projects/build.sbt , should work.

the reason sbt recursive, project_dir/build.sbt defines stuff project/*.scala build files, , project/*.sbt in same way defining settings project/project - project builds project.

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