c# - read line from text file then How show line 1st word textbox1 until : symbol then 2nd textbox show after : symbol? -

my have below process 1 .txt file

firstname:lastname sumon:kamal abdul:halim kamrul:khan rafiq: akbor 

how show 1st name textbox1 2nd textbox show last name?

example clear

textbox1 show sumon & textbox2 show kamal

i trying more road still not getting road this.

i trying using streamreader show textbox data full line coming.

how reading 1 line 2 textbox both name?

if take question right, want this.

public partial class main : form {     private const string path = "c:\\person.txt";      public main()     {         initializecomponent();          // read lines file @ specified path         var lines = file.readlines(path);          // take first line aquired collection         var line = lines.firstordefault();         if (line == null)             return;          // split string first , last names         var parts = line.split(':');         if (parts.length != 2)             return;          // send them textbox.text property         textbox1.text = parts[0];         textbox2.text = parts[1];     } } 

don't forget drop textbox1 , textbox2 form. iterate on lines if need else.


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