ios crash before launch - black screen on simulator -
2014-11-18 16:33:01.840 record-upload[2077:112380] *** terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsunknownkeyexception', reason: '[<viewcontroller 0x7f84b3076400> setvalue:forundefinedkey:]: class not key value coding-compliant key pausebuttontapped.' *** first throw call stack: ( 0 corefoundation 0x00000001049cbf35 __exceptionpreprocess + 165 1 libobjc.a.dylib 0x00000001042bbbb7 objc_exception_throw + 45 2 corefoundation 0x00000001049cbb79 -[nsexception raise] + 9 3 foundation 0x0000000103a4a7b3 -[nsobject(nskeyvaluecoding) setvalue:forkey:] + 259 4 corefoundation 0x0000000104915e80 -[nsarray makeobjectsperformselector:] + 224 5 uikit 0x000000010507dc7d -[uinib instantiatewithowner:options:] + 1506 6 uikit 0x0000000104edcf98 -[uiviewcontroller _loadviewfromnibnamed:bundle:] + 242 7 uikit 0x0000000104edd588 -[uiviewcontroller loadview] + 109 8 uikit 0x0000000104edd7f9 -[uiviewcontroller loadviewifrequired] + 75 9 uikit 0x0000000104eddc8e -[uiviewcontroller view] + 27 10 uikit 0x0000000104dfcca9 -[uiwindow addrootviewcontrollerviewifpossible] + 58 11 uikit 0x0000000104dfd041 -[uiwindow _sethidden:forced:] + 247 12 uikit 0x0000000104e0972c -[uiwindow makekeyandvisible] + 42 13 uikit 0x0000000104db4061 -[uiapplication _callinitializationdelegatesformainscene:transitioncontext:] + 2628 14 uikit 0x0000000104db6d2c -[uiapplication _runwithmainscene:transitioncontext:completion:] + 1350 15 uikit 0x0000000104db5bf2 -[uiapplication workspacedidendtransaction:] + 179 16 frontboardservices 0x000000010a9dc2a3 __31-[fbsserialqueue performasync:]_block_invoke + 16 17 corefoundation 0x000000010490153c __cfrunloop_is_calling_out_to_a_block__ + 12 18 corefoundation 0x00000001048f7285 __cfrunloopdoblocks + 341 19 corefoundation 0x00000001048f7045 __cfrunlooprun + 2389 20 corefoundation 0x00000001048f6486 cfrunlooprunspecific + 470 21 uikit 0x0000000104db5669 -[uiapplication _run] + 413 22 uikit 0x0000000104db8420 uiapplicationmain + 1282 23 record-upload 0x0000000103622883 main + 115 24 libdyld.dylib 0x000000010817b145 start + 1 ) libc++abi.dylib: terminating uncaught exception of type nsexception
i don't understand says reason: '[<viewcontroller 0x7f9f5304ba00> setvalue:forundefinedkey:]: class not key value coding-compliant key pausebuttontapped
there no line in code attempts (i hate dump code on here feel needed)
code program records audio, puts out using ftp server
#import "networkmanager.h" #include <cfnetwork/cfnetwork.h> #import "viewcontroller.h" enum { ksendbuffersize = 32768 }; @interface viewcontroller () <nsstreamdelegate>{ avaudiorecorder *recorder; avaudioplayer *player; } @property (strong, nonatomic) nstimer *timer; @property (strong, nonatomic) nsdate *startdate; - (ibaction)sendbuttonpush:(id)sender; @property (weak, nonatomic) iboutlet uilabel *status; @property (weak, nonatomic) iboutlet uilabel *time; @property (weak, nonatomic) iboutlet uibutton *sendbutton; @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly ) bool issending; @property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) nsoutputstream * networkstream; @property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) nsinputstream * filestream; @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly ) uint8_t * buffer; @property (nonatomic, assign, readwrite) size_t bufferoffset; @property (nonatomic, assign, readwrite) size_t bufferlimit; @end @implementation viewcontroller { uint8_t _buffer[ksendbuffersize]; } - (void)viewdidload { [super viewdidload]; [self.sendbutton setenabled:yes]; [self.pausebutton setenabled:no]; [self.playbutton setenabled: no]; //define file path, file pointer/url // nsarray *pathcomponents = [nsarray arraywithobjects:[nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains(nsdocumentdirectory, nsuserdomainmask, yes) lastobject], @"myaudio.m4a", nil]; // nsurl *outputfileurl = [nsurl fileurlwithpathcomponents:pathcomponents]; nsarray *searchpaths = nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains(nsdocumentdirectory, nsuserdomainmask, yes); nsstring *documentpath_ = [searchpaths objectatindex:0]; nsstring *pathtosave = [documentpath_ stringbyappendingpathcomponent: @"myaudio2.m4a"]; nsurl *outputfileurl = [nsurl fileurlwithpath: pathtosave]; //setup audio session avaudiosession *session = [avaudiosession sharedinstance]; [session setcategory:avaudiosessioncategoryplayandrecord error:nil]; //define record settings nsmutabledictionary *recordsetting = [[nsmutabledictionary alloc] init]; //codec/format [recordsetting setvalue:[nsnumber numberwithint:kaudioformatmpeg4aac] forkey:avformatidkey]; //bit rate [recordsetting setvalue:[nsnumber numberwithfloat:44100.0] forkey:avsampleratekey]; //8000 //number of channels - stero -2 mono -1? [recordsetting setvalue:[nsnumber numberwithint: 2] forkey:avnumberofchannelskey]; //initiate , prepare recorder recorder = [[avaudiorecorder alloc] initwithurl:outputfileurl settings:recordsetting error:null]; recorder.delegate = self; recorder.meteringenabled = yes; [recorder preparetorecord]; } - (void)didreceivememorywarning { [super didreceivememorywarning]; // dispose of resources can recreated. } - (ibaction)sendbuttonpush:(id)sender { self.status.text = @"..."; [self.sendbutton setenabled:no]; nsarray *searchpaths = nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains(nsdocumentdirectory, nsuserdomainmask, yes); nsstring *documentpath_ = [searchpaths objectatindex:0]; nsstring *pathtosave = [documentpath_ stringbyappendingpathcomponent: @"myaudio2.m4a"]; //nsurl *outputfileurl = [nsurl fileurlwithpath: pathtosave]; nslog(@"path: %@", pathtosave); [self startsend: pathtosave]; } /* * imported simpleftpsample - */ - (void)senddidstart { self.status.text = @"sending"; //self.cancelbutton.enabled = yes; //[self.activityindicator startanimating]; [[networkmanager sharedinstance] didstartnetworkoperation]; } - (void)updatestatus:(nsstring *)statusstring { assert(statusstring != nil); self.status.text = statusstring; } - (void)senddidstopwithstatus:(nsstring *)statusstring { if (statusstring == nil) { statusstring = @"put succeeded"; } self.status.text = statusstring; //self.cancelbutton.enabled = no; //[self.activityindicator stopanimating]; [[networkmanager sharedinstance] didstopnetworkoperation]; } #pragma mark * core transfer code // code networking. // because buffer declared array, have use custom getter. // synthesised getter doesn't compile. - (uint8_t *)buffer { return self->_buffer; } - (bool)issending { return (self.networkstream != nil); } - (void)startsend:(nsstring *)filepath { bool success; nsurl * url; //check path not empty assert(filepath != nil); //check path exists assert([[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] fileexistsatpath:filepath]); //check file either png or jpg nslog(@"filepath: %@", filepath); //assert( [filepath.pathextension isequal:@"png"] || [filepath.pathextension isequal:@"jpg"] ); assert(self.networkstream == nil); // don't tap send twice in row! assert(self.filestream == nil); // ditto // first , check url - insert our custom url here! url = [[networkmanager sharedinstance] smarturlforstring:@""]; //check success = (url != nil); if (success) { // add last part of file name end of url form final // url we're going put to. url = cfbridgingrelease( cfurlcreatecopyappendingpathcomponent(null, (__bridge cfurlref) url, (__bridge cfstringref) [filepath lastpathcomponent], false) ); success = (url != nil); } // if url bogus, let user know. otherwise kick off connection. nslog(@"url %@", url); if ( ! success) { self.status.text = @"invalid url"; } else { // open stream file we're going send. not open stream; // nsurlconnection us. self.filestream = [nsinputstream inputstreamwithfileatpath:filepath]; assert(self.filestream != nil); //open file stream input [self.filestream open]; // open cfftpstream url. self.networkstream = cfbridgingrelease( cfwritestreamcreatewithftpurl(null, (__bridge cfurlref) url) ); assert(self.networkstream != nil); // //user & password // success = [self.networkstream setproperty:@"username" forkey:(id)kcfstreampropertyftpusername]; assert(success); success = [self.networkstream setproperty:@"password" forkey:(id)kcfstreampropertyftppassword]; assert(success); self.networkstream.delegate = self; [self.networkstream scheduleinrunloop:[nsrunloop currentrunloop] formode:nsdefaultrunloopmode]; [self.networkstream open]; // tell ui we're sending. [self senddidstart]; } } - (void)stopsendwithstatus:(nsstring *)statusstring { if (self.networkstream != nil) { [self.networkstream removefromrunloop:[nsrunloop currentrunloop] formode:nsdefaultrunloopmode]; self.networkstream.delegate = nil; [self.networkstream close]; self.networkstream = nil; } if (self.filestream != nil) { [self.filestream close]; self.filestream = nil; } [self senddidstopwithstatus:statusstring]; } - (void)stream:(nsstream *)astream handleevent:(nsstreamevent)eventcode // nsstream delegate callback that's called when events happen on our // network stream. { #pragma unused(astream) assert(astream == self.networkstream); switch (eventcode) { case nsstreameventopencompleted: { [self updatestatus:@"opened connection"]; } break; case nsstreameventhasbytesavailable: { assert(no); // should never happen output stream } break; case nsstreameventhasspaceavailable: { [self updatestatus:@"sending"]; // if don't have data buffered, go read next chunk of data. if (self.bufferoffset == self.bufferlimit) { nsinteger bytesread; bytesread = [self.filestream read:self.buffer maxlength:ksendbuffersize]; if (bytesread == -1) { [self stopsendwithstatus:@"file read error"]; } else if (bytesread == 0) { [self stopsendwithstatus:nil]; } else { self.bufferoffset = 0; self.bufferlimit = bytesread; } } // if we're not out of data completely, send next chunk. if (self.bufferoffset != self.bufferlimit) { nsinteger byteswritten; byteswritten = [self.networkstream write:&self.buffer[self.bufferoffset] maxlength:self.bufferlimit - self.bufferoffset]; assert(byteswritten != 0); if (byteswritten == -1) { [self stopsendwithstatus:@"network write error"]; } else { self.bufferoffset += byteswritten; } } } break; case nsstreameventerroroccurred: { [self stopsendwithstatus:@"stream open error"]; } break; case nsstreameventendencountered: { // ignore } break; default: { assert(no); } break; } } - (void)viewwillappear:(bool)animated { [super viewwillappear:animated]; } - (void)viewdidunload { [super viewdidunload]; } - (void)dealloc { [self stopsendwithstatus:@"stopped"]; } - (ibaction)recordbuttontapped:(id)sender { if(player.playing){ [player stop]; } if(!recorder.recording){ avaudiosession *session = [avaudiosession sharedinstance]; [session setactive: yes error: nil]; //start recording self.startdate = [nsdate date]; self.timer = [nstimer scheduledtimerwithtimeinterval:1.0/100.0 target:self selector:@selector(updatetimer) userinfo:nil repeats:yes]; [recorder record]; [self.recordbutton settitle: @"pause" forstate:uicontrolstatenormal]; } else{ [recorder pause]; [self.recordbutton settitle:@"record" forstate: uicontrolstatenormal]; [self.timer invalidate]; self.timer = nil; [self updatetimer]; } [self.pausebutton setenabled:yes]; [self.playbutton setenabled:no]; } //ui functions - (ibaction)pausebuttontapped:(id)sender { [recorder stop]; avaudiosession *audiosession = [avaudiosession sharedinstance]; [audiosession setactive:no error: nil]; /* nsarray *searchpaths = nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains(nsdocumentdirectory, nsuserdomainmask, yes); nsstring *documentpath_ = [searchpaths objectatindex:0]; nsfilemanager *filemanager = [nsfilemanager defaultmanager]; nsmutablearray *arraylist =[[nsmutablearray alloc] initwitharray:[filemanager contentsofdirectoryatpath:documentpath_ error:nil]]; nslog(@"==== %@", arraylist); */ } - (ibaction)playbuttontapped:(id)sender { if(!recorder.recording){ player = [[avaudioplayer alloc] initwithcontentsofurl:recorder.url error:nil]; [player setdelegate:self]; [player play]; } } //audio functions -(void) audiorecorderdidfinishrecording:(avaudiorecorder *)recorder successfully:(bool)flag{ [self.recordbutton settitle: @"record" forstate:uicontrolstatenormal]; [self.pausebutton setenabled:no]; [self.playbutton setenabled:yes]; } -(void) audioplayerdidfinishplaying:(avaudioplayer *)player successfully:(bool)flag{ uialertview *alert = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@"done" message:@"finished playing recording!" delegate:nil cancelbuttontitle:@"ok" otherbuttontitles: nil]; [alert show]; } //timer function -(void) updatetimer { // create date elapsed time nsdate *currentdate = [nsdate date]; nstimeinterval timeinterval = [currentdate timeintervalsincedate:self.startdate]; nsdate *timerdate = [nsdate datewithtimeintervalsince1970:timeinterval]; // create date formatter nsdateformatter *dateformatter = [[nsdateformatter alloc] init]; [dateformatter setdateformat:@""]; [dateformatter settimezone:[nstimezone timezoneforsecondsfromgmt:0.0]]; // format elapsed time , set label nsstring *timestring = [dateformatter stringfromdate:timerdate]; self.time.text = timestring; } @end
in window button, delete connections, , add them again.
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