eclipse rcp - find matching 'begin' - 'end' and highlight them -

i newbie in developing dsl in xtext. add feature of highlighting matching start , end of code block. in language every function must start 'begin' , end 'end' , same if conditions , loops. need highlight matching/corresponding 'end' when cursor on 'begin'. example below, need highlight corresponding first 'end' when cursor on second 'begin':

function x    begin      if a>b        begin          a=b;        end    end 

any please?


i dont think support good. if can live minor solution try following

the grammar

model:     greetings+=greeting*;  greeting:     'if' name=id 'endif'; 

in uimodule

@override public icharacterpairmatcher bindicharacterpairmatcher() {     return new mydslcharacterpairmatcher(new char[] { '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']' }); } 


public class mydslcharacterpairmatcher extends defaultcharacterpairmatcher {      public mydslcharacterpairmatcher(char[] chars) {         super(chars);     }       @override     public iregion match(idocument document, int offset, int length) {         if (document instanceof ixtextdocument) {             ixtextdocument xtextdocument = (ixtextdocument)document;              iregion result = xtextdocument.readonly(new iunitofwork<iregion, xtextresource>() {                  @override                 public iregion exec(xtextresource state) throws exception {                     mydslgrammaraccess ga = state.getresourceserviceprovider().get(mydslgrammaraccess.class);                      icompositenode root = state.getparseresult().getrootnode();                     ileafnode matchnode = nodemodelutils.findleafnodeatoffset(root, offset);                     eobject object = nodemodelutils.findactualsemanticobjectfor(matchnode);                     if (object instanceof greeting) {                         greeting g = (greeting)object;                         if (matchnode.getgrammarelement() == ga.getgreetingaccess().getifkeyword_0()) {                             icompositenode objectnode = nodemodelutils.findactualnodefor(object);                             (inode n : objectnode.getastreeiterable()) {                                 if (n.getgrammarelement() != null && n.getgrammarelement() == ga.getgreetingaccess().getendifkeyword_2()) {                                     return new region(n.getoffset(), n.getlength());                                 }                             }                         }                         if (matchnode.getgrammarelement() == ga.getgreetingaccess().getendifkeyword_2()) {                             icompositenode objectnode = nodemodelutils.findactualnodefor(object);                             (inode n : objectnode.getastreeiterable()) {                                 if (n.getgrammarelement() != null && n.getgrammarelement() == ga.getgreetingaccess().getifkeyword_0()) {                                     return new region(n.getoffset(), n.getlength());                                 }                             }                         }                     }                      return null;                 }              });             if (result != null) {                 return result;             }         }         return super.match(document, offset, length);     }  } 

unfortunately jface highlight single character. if want more think have hook ioccurrencecomputer (you have have mark occurences on then)

package org.xtext.example.mydsl1.ui;  import java.util.hashmap; import;  import org.eclipse.core.runtime.submonitor; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.eobject; import org.eclipse.jface.text.itextselection; import org.eclipse.jface.text.position; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.annotation; import org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.icompositenode; import org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.ileafnode; import org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.inode; import org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.util.nodemodelutils; import org.eclipse.xtext.resource.xtextresource; import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.xtexteditor; import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.model.ixtextdocument; import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.occurrences.defaultoccurrencecomputer; import org.eclipse.xtext.util.cancelindicator; import org.eclipse.xtext.util.textregion; import org.eclipse.xtext.util.concurrent.cancelableunitofwork; import org.xtext.example.mydsl1.mydsl.greeting; import;  public class mydsloccurrencecomputer extends defaultoccurrencecomputer {      @override     public map<annotation, position> createannotationmap(xtexteditor editor,             itextselection selection, submonitor monitor) {          final ixtextdocument document = editor.getdocument();          if (document != null) {             map<annotation, position> result = document.readonly(new cancelableunitofwork<map<annotation, position>, xtextresource>() {                  @override                 public map<annotation, position> exec(xtextresource state,                         final cancelindicator cancelindicator) throws exception {                     mydslgrammaraccess ga = state.getresourceserviceprovider()                             .get(mydslgrammaraccess.class);                      icompositenode root = state.getparseresult().getrootnode();                     ileafnode matchnode = nodemodelutils.findleafnodeatoffset(                             root, selection.getoffset());                     eobject object = nodemodelutils                             .findactualsemanticobjectfor(matchnode);                     if (object instanceof greeting) {                         greeting g = (greeting) object;                         if (matchnode.getgrammarelement() == ga                                 .getgreetingaccess().getifkeyword_0()) {                             icompositenode objectnode = nodemodelutils                                     .findactualnodefor(object);                             (inode n : objectnode.getastreeiterable()) {                                 if (n.getgrammarelement() != null                                         && n.getgrammarelement() == ga                                                 .getgreetingaccess()                                                 .getendifkeyword_3()) {                                     map<annotation, position> result = new hashmap<>();                                     addoccurrenceannotation(                                             declaration_annotation_type,                                             document,                                             new textregion(matchnode                                                     .getoffset(), matchnode                                                     .getlength()), result);                                     addoccurrenceannotation(                                             occurrence_annotation_type,                                             document,                                             new textregion(n.getoffset(), n                                                     .getlength()), result);                                     return result;                                  }                             }                         }                         if (matchnode.getgrammarelement() == ga                                 .getgreetingaccess().getendifkeyword_3()) {                             icompositenode objectnode = nodemodelutils                                     .findactualnodefor(object);                             (inode n : objectnode.getastreeiterable()) {                                 if (n.getgrammarelement() != null                                         && n.getgrammarelement() == ga                                                 .getgreetingaccess()                                                 .getifkeyword_0()) {                                     map<annotation, position> result = new hashmap<>();                                     addoccurrenceannotation(                                             declaration_annotation_type,                                             document,                                             new textregion(matchnode                                                     .getoffset(), matchnode                                                     .getlength()), result);                                     addoccurrenceannotation(                                             occurrence_annotation_type,                                             document,                                             new textregion(n.getoffset(), n                                                     .getlength()), result);                                     return result;                                 }                             }                         }                     }                     return null;                 }             });             if (result != null) {                 return result;             }         }         return super.createannotationmap(editor, selection, monitor);     }  } 


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