php - Symfony2 - Add another custom Symfony2 project as a vendor -

i have 2 symfony2 projets , b. goal add project b project vendor.

what did:

  1. edited composer.lock file in project include project b vendor:

    "name": "sciforum/journals_revie_bundle",     "version": "dev-master",     "target-dir": "sciforum/journalsreview",     "source": {         "type": "git",         "url": "ssh://git@dev.mdpi.lab:22/~/projects/journals_review",         "reference": "dc8ea6a551e5d42b972dd302b75d9ce0a26735f3"     },     "require": {         "php": ">=5.3.3"     },     "type": "symfony-bundle",     "extra": {         "branch-alias": {             "dev-master": "2.0-dev"         }     },     "autoload": {         "psr-0": {             "sciforum\\journalsreview\\": ""         }     },     "description": "sciforumjournalsreview",     "homepage": "",     "time": "2014-11-14 11:11:33" }, 
  2. changed composer.json in project b

    { "name" : "sciforum/journals_review_bundle", "type" : "symfony-bundle", "description" : "sciforumjournalsreviewbundle", "homepage" : "", "require" : {     "php" : ">=5.3.3" }, "  autoload" : {   "psr-0" : {         "sciforum\\journalsreviewbundle\\" : ""     } }, "target-dir" : "sciforum/journalsreviewbundle", "extra" : {     "branch-alias" : {         "dev-master" : "2.0-dev"     } } 


  3. imported bundle in project appkernel.php

    new sciforum\journalsreview\sciforumjournalsreviewbundle(), 

and when trying do

sudo php composer.phar install 

i getting

your requirements not resolved installable set of packages.  problem 1 - requested package sciforum/journals_review_bundle not found in version, there may typo in package name. problem 2 - requested package sciforum/journals_revie_bundle not found in version, there may typo in package name.  potential causes:  - typo in package name  - package not available in stable-enough version according minimum-stability setting  see <> more details. 

any idea? thank you.

instead of using custom vendors, did included custom bundle secondary bundle in main project, , works well.


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