javascript - Font Size in openlayers 3 cluster -
i using new openlayers 3 api showing large amount of markers. extended cluster example (
everything works fine except 1 thing: attribute fontsize in style of text ignored. size of text inside cluster marker same.
is bug in openlayers 3 or doing wrong? tested in 3.0.0 release version , in current development version of ol3.
var clusters = new $wnd.ol.layer.vector({ source: clustersource, style: function (feature, resolution) { var size = feature.get('features').length; var style = stylecache[size]; var radius = size + 10; if (radius > 25) { radius = 25; } if (!style) { style = [new ${ image: new ${ radius: radius, stroke: new ${ color: '#fff' }), fill: new ${ color: color }) }), text: new ${ text: size == 1 ? "●" : size.tostring(), fontsize: radius * 2 - 5, fill: new ${ color: textcolor }) }) })]; stylecache[size] = style; } return style; } });
there's no fontsize
. there's font
option though.
the font
option string
, has same syntax canvas context font
attribute. default '10px sans-serif'
so in case you'll use this:
var textstyle = new{ font: (radius * 2 - 5) + 'px sans-serif', // … });
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