jquery - How can I get a CKEditor value? -
i have input field in view:
<div class="treatment-service"> <%= f.input :service_id, as: :select, collection: current_partner.services.pluck(:name, :id), :label => "serviciu" %> </div> <%= f.input :description, :as => :ckeditor, :input_html => { :ckeditor => {:toolbar => 'pure'}}%>
and function in treatments.js file, autocomplete details based on value selected in dropdown select.
var servicedetails = function (){ $('.treatment-service').change(function(){ var service_id = $(this).find('select').val(); debugger $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: "/treatment_services/"+service_id, datatype: 'json', success: function(data){ debugger $('.treatment-service').closest('div').next().find('input').val(data.price) $('.treatment-service').closest('div').next().next().find('input').val(data.unit) } }) }); }
def service_details render json: current_partner.services.find(params[:service_id]) end
get '/treatment_services/:service_id' => 'treatments#service_details'
but how can instance value inside ckeditor field? thanks!
not sure understand fully, can value of ckeditor instance via:
ckeditor.instances['div_id'].getdata() // div id without #
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