backbone.js - requireJS in multiple context -

i'm having bit of trouble contexts in requirejs. have 2 js project based on requirejs , backbone. work perfect if work on own page. context conflict each others if put them same page.

both projects follow similar module name convention.

project a:


require.config({     baseurl : "javascript/app1/",     waitseconds : 20,     paths : {         jquerypb : "jquery-1.10.1.min",         underscore : "underscore",         backbone : "backbone-min",      },     shim : {         underscore : {             exports : "_"         },         backbone : {             deps : [ "underscore", "jquerypb" ],             exports : "backbone"         }     } });    require([ "app" ], function(app) {     app.startup();  }); 


define([ "jquerypb", "backbone", "underscore", "models/app", "views/app" ], function($jpb,         backbone, _, appmodel, appview) {      var appinfo = new appmodel();     var app = new appview({         model : appinfo     });      return app; }); 


define(     ["jquerypb", "backbone", "views/moduleb"], function($jpb, backbone, moduleb) {         var appview = backbone.view.extend({  .... 


in moduleb, need access properties of app instance (project a). use var app = require("app");

project b:

the project b has similar module structure project a. renamed app.js appb. there modulec need access properties of app instance (project b)

var appb = require("appb") 

i got following error when access them host html page:

uncaught error: module name "app" has not been loaded yet context: _. use require([])

or error on loading project b sometimes:

uncaught error: module name "appb" has not been loaded yet context: _. use require([])

it looks trying load module each other's context or global context, 1 app instance stored in there.

how set modules live in own project context?



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