javascript - Using Lo-Dash to give sum from REST return in AngularJS Application -
scroll down solution !!
i have simple angularjs application (with lodash loaded after angular.js, before app.js) :
- project list page(/projects), link on item brings /projects/:id
- in /projects/:id, controller request api, , returns data
- i assign data $scope.project, , display in view
here's example of return i'm getting api :
{ "_id" : { "$oid" : "546a3bdee4b0bfd97138fe08"} , "picture" : "" , "name" : "square campus" , "address" : "293 grafton street, shasta, arizona, 6757" , "phone" : "+1 (916) 544-2274" , "buildings" : [ { "name" : "north campus" , "floors" : "4" , "users" : "8"} , { "name" : "south campus" , "floors" : "2" , "users" : "15"} , { "name" : "east wing" , "floors" : "8" , "users" : "23"} ] } // using call in controller $scope.project ='projects', $routeparams.projectid).get().$object;
and here's how display in view :
<aside class="aside-primary col-xs-12 col-md-3"> <div class="well"> <img ng-src="{{project.picture}}" alt="" class="img-responsive"/> <strong>{{}}</strong><br /> {{project.address}}<br /> {{}}<br /> </div> </aside> <section class="primary-content col-xs-12 col-md-9"> <h1>{{}}</h1> <h2>buildings</h2> <table class="table table-hover table-bordered"> <thead> <tr> <th>name</th> <th>floors</th> <th>users</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr data-ng-repeat="building in project.buildings"> <td>{{}}</td> <td>{{building.floors}}</td> <td>{{building.users}}</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>total</strong></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section>
now, here's want :
i'm new lo-dash (and js development not strongest asset) , use calculate sums. in case, sum of total number of floors , users.
problem is, don't know how convert object i'm receiving kind of array :
// floors example var sum = _.reduce([4, 2, 8], function(sum, num) { return sum + num; }); console.log(sum);
can me figure out?
thank !
it important when make restangular call, define "then" promise because data isn't loaded @ first on initial pageload.
var detailproject ='projects', $routeparams.projectid); detailproject.get().then(function (project) { $scope.project = project; // assign owner model var sums = _.reduce(project.buildings, function (sums, building) { return { floors: sums.floors + parseint(building.floors), users: sums.users + parseint(building.users) }; }, { floors: 0, users: 0 } // initial values ); console.log(sums); });
if want calculate floors , users @ same time, instead of iterating on data twice, can this:
var sums = _.reduce( $scope.project.buildings, function(sums, building) { return { floors: sums.floors + parseint(building.floors), users: sums.users + parseint(building.users) }; }, { floors: 0, users: 0 } // initial values ); console.log(sums); // => { floors: 14, // users: 46 }
you assign property on $scope.project
object, in order display in view:
$scope.project.buildingtotals = _.reduce( $scope.project.buildings, // ...
<tr> <td><strong>total</strong></td> <td>{{project.buildingtotals.floors}}</td> <td>{{project.buildingtotals.users}}</td> </tr>
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