ubuntu 12.04 - MySql- Stored Procedure with cursor issue -
i have created following stored procedure mysql throws error 1064. need every user exists in table logbackup, find date of first action, date of last action , calculate duration. though, know in different way, syntax errors may have since new in mysql.
edit: use 'databasename' drop procedure if exists `userengagementcalc`; delimiter $$ use `databasename`$$ create definer=`root`@`%localhost` procedure `userengagementcalc`() create procedure userengagementcalc() begin declare v_username varchar(50); declare startdate datetime; declare enddate datetime; declare duration int; declare done int default false; declare cur1 cursor select distinct username logbackup; declare continue handler not found set done=true; open cur1; igmloop: loop fetch cur1 v_username; if done leave igmloop; end if; set @startdate:=(select str_to_date(created_date, '%a %b %d %y %h:%i:%s') logbackup username=v_username order str_to_date(created_date, '%a %b %d %y %h:%i:%s') asc limit 1); set @enddate:=(select str_to_date(created_date, '%a %b %d %y %h:%i:%s') logbackup username=v_username order str_to_date(created_date, '%a %b %d %y %h:%i:%s') desc limit 1); set @duration:= time_to_sec(timediff(@startdate,@enddate)); insert userengagement (username,startdate,enddate,duration) values (v_username,@startdate,@enddate,@duration); end loop igmloop; close cur1; end$$ delimiter;
i trying execute scipt on ubuntu mysql terminal. need special manipulation>? receive mysql except error messages following:
display 813 possibilities? (y or n) ? day_minute innodb multilinestringfromwkb session_user variance abs day_second inout multipoint set varying acos deallocate insensitive multipointfromtext sha var_pop action dec
i appreciate kind help.
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