javascript - How to create Master-Detail charts in highcharts-ng -
i using highcharts-ng creating dynamic charts in 1 of our angularjs application.
highcharts-ng working simple chart. unable figure out way use highchart's master-detail chart through highcharts-ng module.
below code written referring master-detail chart demo on highcharts website. renders master chart (not correctly though) not renders detail chart there no way pass subchart parent chart in highcharts-ng module.
please have , suggest if there possibility create master-detail charts using highcharts-ng module. highly appreciated.
jsfiddle :
<div ng-controller="chartctrl" ng-init="createmasterchart();"> <div id="container"> <highchart id="spectrum-detail" config="spectrumdetailchart"></highchart> <highchart id="spectrum-master" config="spectrummasterchart"></highchart> </div> </div>
#container{position:relative;} #spectrum-master{position:'absolute',top:300,height:100,width:'100%'};
// create detail chart $scope.createdetailchart = function(masterchart) { // prepare detail chart var detaildata = [], detailstart = date.utc(2008, 7, 1); $.each(masterchart.series[0].data, function () { if (this.x >= detailstart) { detaildata.push(this.y); } }); // create detail chart referenced global variable $scope.spectrumdetailchart = { chart: { marginbottom: 120, reflow: false, marginleft: 50, marginright: 20, style: { position: 'absolute' } }, credits: { enabled: false }, title: { text: 'historical usd eur exchange rate' }, subtitle: { text: 'select area dragging across lower chart' }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime' }, yaxis: { title: { text: null }, maxzoom: 0.1 }, tooltip: { formatter: function () { var point = this.points[0]; return '<b>' + + '</b><br/>' + highcharts.dateformat('%a %b %e %y', this.x) + ':<br/>' + '1 usd = ' + highcharts.numberformat(point.y, 2) + ' eur'; }, shared: true }, legend: { enabled: false }, plotoptions: { series: { marker: { enabled: false, states: { hover: { enabled: true, radius: 3 } } } } }, series: [{ name: 'usd eur', pointstart: detailstart, pointinterval: 24 * 3600 * 1000, data: detaildata }], exporting: { enabled: false } }; }; // create master chart $scope.createmasterchart = function () { $scope.spectrummasterchart = { chart: { reflow: false, borderwidth: 0, backgroundcolor: null, marginleft: 50, marginright: 20, zoomtype: 'x', events: { // listen selection event on master chart update // extremes of detail chart selection: function (event) { var extremesobject = event.xaxis[0], min = extremesobject.min, max = extremesobject.max, detaildata = [], xaxis = this.xaxis[0]; // reverse engineer last part of data $.each(this.series[0].data, function () { if (this.x > min && this.x < max) { detaildata.push([this.x, this.y]); } }); // move plot bands reflect new detail span xaxis.removeplotband('mask-before'); xaxis.addplotband({ id: 'mask-before', from: date.utc(2006, 0, 1), to: min, color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)' }); xaxis.removeplotband('mask-after'); xaxis.addplotband({ id: 'mask-after', from: max, to: date.utc(2008, 11, 31), color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)' }); detailchart.series[0].setdata(detaildata); return false; } } }, title: { text: null }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', showlastticklabel: true, maxzoom: 14 * 24 * 3600000, // fourteen days plotbands: [ { id: 'mask-before', from: date.utc(2006, 0, 1), to: date.utc(2008, 7, 1), color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)' } ], title: { text: null } }, yaxis: { gridlinewidth: 0, labels: { enabled: false }, title: { text: null }, min: 0.6, showfirstlabel: false }, tooltip: { formatter: function () { return false; } }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: false }, plotoptions: { series: { fillcolor: { lineargradient: [0, 0, 0, 70], stops: [ [0, highcharts.getoptions().colors[0]], [1, 'rgba(255,255,255,0)'] ] }, linewidth: 1, marker: { enabled: false }, shadow: false, states: { hover: { linewidth: 1 } }, enablemousetracking: false } }, series: [ { type: 'area', name: 'usd eur', pointinterval: 24 * 3600 * 1000, pointstart: date.utc(2006, 0, 1), data: data } ], exporting: { enabled: false } }; $scope.createdetailchart($scope.spectrummasterchart); };
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