c# - How to copy folder/files1..to..files5 during the installation of wix installer -

i have created installer project using wix.i have folders , files under project directory.i need copy folders , files installation path during installation.

the 2 directory structure 1.somefolder/file1..to file5 2.some folder/subfolder/subfile1..tosubfile5.these 2 directory inside project directory.i need copy same directory inside installation folder during installation program files/installationfolder/subfolder/subfile1..tosubfile5.

how copy directory project path installation path during installation.

this rather simple question complicated answer...

do have features defined? have components defined? have directory structure defined?

here suggest...

<feature id="filesfeature" level="1" allowadvertise="no">     <componentref id="c__file1_exe"/>     <componentref id="c__file2_dll"/>     .... </feature>  <directoryref id="targetdir"> //this director defined somewhere else want install     <component id="c__file1_exe" guid={some_unique_guid}">         <file id="__file1_exe" name="file1.exe" keypath="yes" source="{path_to_your_file}"/>     </component>     <component id="c__file2_dll" guid={some_unique_guid}">         <file id="__file2_dll" name="file2.dll" keypath="yes" source="{path_to_your_file}"/>     </component>      ....  </directoryref> 

the definitive source information on this: http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/howtos/files_and_registry/add_a_file.html

a wix tutorials on how this: http://wix.tramontana.co.hu/tutorial

specifically files , how handle them: http://wix.tramontana.co.hu/tutorial/getting-started/the-files-inside

edit: want have directory structure defined this:

<directory id="targetdir" name="sourcedir">     <directory id="somefolder" name="somefolder>         <directory id="subfolder" name="subfolder">         </directory>     </directory> </directory> 

please read: http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/howtos/files_and_registry/add_a_file.html


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