c# - Reading an unfinished gzip file -
i creating file using cygwin bash script on remote:
(echo $$ > tail.pid; exec tail -f -n+0 --retry fix.log) | gzip -c >> /faraway/log.gz
at same time, on local machine, reading /faraway/log.gz in c# using:
txtfilereader = new streamreader(new gzipstream(new filestream(@"log.gz"), filemode.open, fileaccess.read, fileshare.readwrite), compressionmode.decompress, true)); bool isdone = false; // set true when "done.txt" file appears signal log.gz completed while (true) // read until finished { if (!isdone) { if (txtfilereader.peek() == -1) // wait if file still being transferred { while (!file.exists(@"done.txt")) { thread.sleep(10000); } isdone = true; // goes wrong here when gzip closes on remote } } if ((line = txtfilereader.readline()) == null) { return ""; } }
i have indicated point in code think goes wrong.
when (peek() == -1) , gzip still running (i.e. slow transfer data) next readline works correctly, when gzip closed on remote, next readline not return correct line - returns random part of line.
later, when zcat file, see correct lines infact sent. appears losing "position" in gzipstream when gzip shuts down.
what happens when gzip closes? affect written?
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