ios - why attributes properties in layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath does not get applied? -

if modified attribute property in layoutattributesforitematindexpath collectionview cell not modified

-(uicollectionviewlayoutattributes *)layoutattributesforitematindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath 

{ uicollectionviewlayoutattributes *attributes = [super layoutattributesforitematindexpath:indexpath];

//this properties not applied attributes.zindex = 1; attributes.alpha = 0.5;  return attributes; 


but when moving properties modifications layoutattributesforelementsinrect gets applied:

-(nsarray *)layoutattributesforelementsinrect:(cgrect)rect 

{ nsarray *attributesarray = [super layoutattributesforelementsinrect:rect];

for (uicollectionviewlayoutattributes *attributes in attributesarray) {     //this properties getting applied here     attributes.zindex = 1;     attributes.alpha = 0.5;  } return attributesarray; 


i'am applying uipangesturerecognizer on uicollectionview , want apply these properties on cell i'am dragging .

i'am apple call layoutattributesforitematindexpath method while i'am dragging through calling method

[customlayoutinstance indexofitemselected:indexpath.row]; 

layoutattributesforitematindexpath called long i'am dragging properties not applied.

you should override 1 more method:

- (nsarray *)layoutattributesforelementsinrect:(cgrect)rect {  { 


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