ios8 - Autolayout constraints applied after viewdidappear on ios7 -

i have problem autolayout on ios 7. working on project in xcode 6.1, , screens created size classes (compact width, regular height). on ios 8 fine, on ios 7 looks constraints applied after view appears (i can see items jumping final positions). when writing log ios 8, viewdidappear , viewdidlayoutsubviews getting order:

 - viewdidlayoutsubviews  - viewdidlayoutsubviews  - viewdidappear, 

but ios 7 order like

 - viewdidlayoutsubviews  - viewdidappear  - viewdidlayoutsubviews. 

did have same problem , there solution this?

tnx igor


didn't have time create test project this, after lots of hours of working, figured out problem in constraints pinned left , right positions of screen. , problem on ios7. used workaround:

test if platform ios7, remove constraints pinned left , right positions of screen, , add new constraints left position , fixed width.

this worked me, hope someone


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