jquery - `console.log(responseText);` and `console.log(file);` not displaying any data -

i using following configuration dropzone. problem files uploading in server console.log(response); , console.log(file); not displaying content in console. remove link not added picture.

<form action="uploadimages"       class="dropzone"       id="image-uploader" enctype="multipart/form-data">     <i class="fa fa-image" id="dzopen"></i> </form>                 <div id="media-upload-previews"> </div>  dropzone.options.dz = {         paramname: "file",         maxfilesize: 10,         url: 'uploadimages',         previewscontainer: "#media-upload-previews",         uploadmultiple: true,         paralleluploads: 5,         maxfiles: 20,         acceptedfiles: "image/*,audio/*,video/*",         init: function() {             this.on("success", function(file, responsetext) {                 var response = jquery.parsejson(responsetext);                 alert(file);                 alert(responsetext);               });             this.on("thumbnail", function(file, dataurl) {                 $('.select_img').html('<img src="' + dataurl + '" width="50" height="50" alt="">');             });             this.on("removedfile", function(file) {             });         }     } 

edit: here want show image with , height of 50 (insted of default preview) , after uploading want show file, responsetext value in console can use delete. not showing inage specified width , height , after upload not giving response console how these

tried working http://jsfiddle.net/xrcwrn/y8697re4/4/

$("i#dzopen").dropzone({     paramname: "file",     maxfilesize: 10,     url: 'uploadimages',     previewscontainer: "#media-upload-previews",     uploadmultiple: true,     paralleluploads: 5,     maxfiles: 20,     acceptedfiles: "image/*,audio/*,video/*",     init: function () {         this.on("success", function (file, responsetext) {             alert(file);             alert(responsetext);            console.log(file);         });         this.on("thumbnail", function (file, dataurl) {             $('#media-upload-previews').append('<img src="' + dataurl + '" width="50" height="50" alt="">');         });         this.on("removedfile", function (file) {});         this.on("complete", function (file) {             alert(file);         });     } }); 


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