python - Contributing to SciPy -

i've never contributed scipy (or other python package, matter), have super simple code performs 2-d discrete cosine transform using existing scipy code 1-d discrete cosine transform. scipy has support 2-d (or n dimensional) fast fourier transform, not 2-d discrete cosine transform. looking @ scipy code on github, see of fourier-related code (everything in fftpack module) written in fortran, while code i've put in python (put overstatement -- it's 1 line).

my question this: see code being pretty useful, , perhaps represents opportunity me contribute scipy. however, can't check boxes listed in scipy documentation regarding contributing code (e.g., don't have "test units", nor know is). how proceed in process of contributing?

def dct2(x):     """     x 2-d numpy array     """     x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float)     return fftpack.dct(fftpack.dct(x).t).t  def idct2(x):     x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float)     return fftpack.idct(fftpack.idct(x.t).t) 


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