Python: Using defined arguments with *args -

rewritten make more clear use-case , answer better anentropic's question.

def use_all (step_todo, wait_complete=true, *args):     execute_step1 (step-todo)     handle_args (*args)     if not wait_complete:         do_somehing ()        return     execute_stepn ()  @decorate def use_from (step_todo, *args):     use_all (step_todo, args)  @decorate def use_many ():     use_all (step_todo1, wait_complete=false)     use_all (step_todo2, args2)     use_all (step_todo3) 

the use_all main "executive" process steps (exactlypxssh installation). shall not decorated start/stop comments may called several times procedure (e.g. step_many reboot - reason no wait_complete), single step shall be.

as use-case specific, may see solution handle *args _single named variable containing tuple, e.g.

def use_all (step_todo, wait_complete=true, args_list=()): 

is correct (and recommended) solution?

this somehow linked questions python function *args , **kwargs other specified keyword arguments or using default arguments before positional arguments . possible not parse kwargs , keep python r2.7?

thanks jan

you need this:

def use_from(step_todo, *args):     use_all(step_todo, *args) 

...otherwise calling use_all single arg containing list of values, instead of calling multiple args

also, don't put space between function , parentheses, it's bad style :)

to around problem of wait_complete taking value of first arg need pass explicitly, eg:

def use_from(step_todo, *args):     use_all(step_todo, true, *args) 


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