Hiding dropdownlist in templatefield in gridview asp.net C# after insert into the database -

i have problem, after value dropdown list picked up, inserted db hide dropdown list , show grade of product user rated, on 2 following pictures:

this first picture showing how user needs insert grade db of product:

enter image description here

the result after should following:

enter image description here

the dropdownlist should invisible user rated product. have tried using rowdatabound event , following code:

  if (e.row.rowtype == datacontrolrowtype.datarow)             {         hsp_narudzbe_detalji_result k = (hsp_narudzbe_detalji_result)e.row.dataitem;                 if (k.ocjena!=null)                 {                     e.row.cells[4].text = k.ocjena;                 }             } 

but doesn't works, shows grade once, , when press button grading product, dropdown list back... :/

can me out this?

edit (aspx code of page):

<asp:gridview id="griddetaljinarudzbe" autogeneratecolumns="false" allowpaging="true" pagesize="10" runat="server" onrowcommand="griddetaljinarudzbe_rowcommand" onpageindexchanging="griddetaljinarudzbe_pageindexchanging" onrowdatabound="griddetaljinarudzbe_rowdatabound">         <columns>            <asp:boundfield datafield="naziv" headertext="naziv" />            <asp:boundfield datafield="sifra" headertext="Šifra" />            <asp:boundfield datafield="cijena" headertext="cijena" />            <asp:boundfield datafield="kolicina" headertext="količina" />                 <asp:templatefield headertext="ocjena">                 <itemtemplate>                     <asp:dropdownlist id="dropdownlist1" runat="server"></asp:dropdownlist>                 </itemtemplate>             </asp:templatefield>           <asp:templatefield>               <itemtemplate>                     <asp:linkbutton id="btnocijeni" title="ocijeni proizvod" commandname="ocijenicommand" commandargument='<%#eval("proizvodid") + ";" +((gridviewrow) container).rowindex%>' runat="server"><img src="../images/ocijeni.png" /></asp:linkbutton>               </itemtemplate>           </asp:templatefield>         </columns>     </asp:gridview> 

the grades loaded this:

 if (e.row.rowtype == datacontrolrowtype.datarow)             {                 dropdownlist drop = e.row.findcontrol("dropdownlist1") dropdownlist;                 drop.items.add(new listitem(""));                 drop.items.add(new listitem("1"));                 drop.items.add(new listitem("2"));                 drop.items.add(new listitem("3"));                 drop.items.add(new listitem("4"));                 drop.items.add(new listitem("5"));             } 

try this,

     protected void gridview1_rowdatabound(object sender, gridviewroweventargs e)     {     if (e.row.rowtype == datacontrolrowtype.datarow)     {         dropdownlist ddl = e.row.cells[4].findcontrol("dropdownlist2") dropdownlist;         if (ddl != null)         {             // if (your_condition == true)             //{                     ddl .visible = false;              //}          }     } } 


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