python - If and only if all given conditions are true -
import numpy np def data_verify(source): rows = [x.strip().split(' ') x in open(source)] columns = zip(*rows) blocks = np.array(rows).reshape((3,3,3,3)).transpose((0,2,1,3)).reshape((9,9)) #check iff, see further return rows, columns, blocks else: return false got sudoku grid in txt such: 3 2 7 4 8 1 6 5 9 1 8 9 3 6 5 7 2 4 6 5 4 2 7 9 8 1 3 7 9 8 1 3 2 5 4 6 5 6 3 9 4 7 2 8 1 2 4 1 6 5 8 3 9 7 8 1 2 7 9 3 4 6 5 4 7 5 8 1 6 9 3 2 9 3 6 5 2 4 1 7 8 the function collects relevant data , return respective rows, columns , blocks iff length of rows same columns' (got few other functions determine whether puzzle legit). figured enough compare first row columns (or vice versa, doesn't make difference). how can create check goes like: for in range(len(rows)): if len(row[0]) == len(column[i]): #do if of lengths check out use all : if all(len(row[0]) == len(colum...